We are all hearing that social media is the way to build our brand. So, simply what do we want to make sure we do in order to achieve a more in-depth brand identity?
While there may not be a good way to have a deep relationship with everyone following your brand, we can all follow three simple rules to assure we’re participating in building a brand and relating to our social network.
First and foremost, make sure you’re providing value on a regular basis. The key to valuable content is to inform, educate or entertain. We all have something valuable to offer. Often, this education process can also reduce the time to sale when someone is ready to buy. The more valuable, the more your relationship will have value to other people.
Secondly, remember to have a conversation with people. If you’re doing all the talking and you aren’t commenting or contributing in some way to the community, it becomes apparent. Answer questions, propose questions, promote your referral partners, recommend people, comment on their status and a number of other interactive communications activities in order to build your relationships.
With a lot of friends or followers or connections, you may not be able to do this often but you’ll want to do a little bit with as many followers as you can possibly manage.
Lastly, ask your followers for feedback. What do they think of certain topics? Start a conversation around your own brand. You are the host of your own party so get involved with starting the kind of conversations which lead to fruitful listening.
Some conversations are difficult to start or sustain especially if it requires specialized knowledge. Marketing and sales is a long term activity which doesn’t stop. As you show that you are genuine and truly passionate about your brand as much as the people who follow your brand, you’ll get a lot further.
Keep working on it. Some topics are more difficult to discuss than other topics so don’t be discouraged. Keep up the conversation with people. Consistency is important. When people become accustomed to listening, they want to keep hearing and sometimes rely on our messages.
Aim to keep brand followers happy. And, if you’ve fallen off the horse, remember to apologize. It’s just like our real relationships. How we do anything is how we do everything!
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